Wazura Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type location is on Chorgali ridge close to Wazura village, Liddar Valley, Kashmir. [Original Publication: Srikantia, S.V., Bhargava, O.N. 1983. Geology of the Palaeozoic sequence of the Kashmir Tethys Himalaya in the Lidder Valley. Journal Geological Society of India, 24 (7): 363-377.]
Synonyms: Aishmuqam Fm (Kumar et al., 1987)
Lithology and Thickness
Sandstone. 625 m and comprises quartz arenite with carbonate bands and local conglomerate beds. Quartz arenite with carbonate bands and local conglomerate beds with Crossbedding, rain drop prints, sun cracks and hummocky crossbedding (Bhargava 2015). Earlier source: Variegated quartz arenite + siltstone (A-Member), Yellowish siltstone+ quartz-arenite (B-Member).
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The Wazura Formation rests conformably over the Muth Fm Quartzite.
Upper contact
It forms a transition between the underlying Muth Fm and the overlying Syringothyris Limestone Fm (Aishmuqam Fm of Srikantia and Bhargava, 1983).
No definite fossils are known from the Wazura Formation.
Depositional setting
Cross-bedding, rain drop prints, sun cracks and hummocky cross-bedding are present in the Wazura Formation. The Wazura Formation was deposited in beach to subtidal of supratidal environments.
Additional Information